Thursday 6 August 2009


Brightness anticipates daybreak
the sea gently raises and harmonises a pale sky,
they swell together, waking from a vivifying dream.

At the shore waves quietly roll,
each one flopping and letting go onto the sand.
Shallow departing rivulets uncurl a white foam
of creatured shells, green strands of barnacled seaweed.
Beneath, the wave pulls away,
a mass of deeper waves swallow it, and
undercurrents massage the seabed’s memory
into ridged valleys and people’d pathways.

Through the windows at the foot of the bed,
branches creak and quivering leaves reflect into the room.
Eyes blink and glimpse from the bed’s quilt of hills
a sea’s horizon not looking back.

Driven upwards by salty gushes, gulls
fly on a breeze from a glimmery sea.
Slow awakening shimmers dancing shoals of whites and pinks
from the sea to the sky, to the room’s walls.

A wave curls up waiting before it releases affections,
stretching and encircling over imminent sand.
Her feet move beneath the quilt, her hands shift back the covers.

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